Water Quality Report (CCR)

Drinking Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report)

Each year we make available a short report that tells where your water comes from and what is in it. See below for the most recent report available, or call our office and we will gladly assist you.


Monongahela River Source Water Assessment of our source (was completed by the PA Department of Environmental Protection (Pa. DEP). The Assessment has found that the Monongahela River Intake is most susceptible to accidental spills along the transportation corridor and “wildcat” sewers dumping raw sewage directly to the river and to a lesser degree by industry and storm water runoff from developed areas. Overall, the Monongahela Watershed has a high risk of significant contamination. A summary report of the Assessment is available on the Source Water Assessment & Protection Web page at
Complete reports were distributed to municipalities, water supplier, local planning agencies and PADEP
offices.  Copies of the complete report are available for review at the Pa. DEP Southwest Regional Office,
Records Management Unit at (412) 442-4000."